Greetings All,
Every once in a while I like to play at doing a 'period' style in a new way.
I recently saw a post on Facebook, someone was 'building themselves a mansion from the gilded age", they'd bought columns and an urn and were well on their way to, in my opinion, creating Cesar's Palace. Well intentioned, but we've all seen those houses that are trying much too hard to be Downton Abby....Now there are many ways to put a room together and while there's no such thing as 'bad taste', there is such a thing as using elements and objects inappropriately, it's very easy to go over the top in a bad way. For me I'd say that you never want to seem ostentatious. There are ways to, while using even the most obvious pieces make them look unexpected and appropriate to how you want to live. Perhaps our fantasy client has a high-rise or as the person from that post, lives in a simple suburban house. How do we go about making a fun, grand interior that doesn't look tacky.
My suggestion. ALWAYS GO BIG. What are hallmarks of ancient spaces? Columns, but let's don't use any, too grand and perhaps the space only has standard ceiling heights. Keep the background clean and simple. Let's get two life-size plaster casts of ancient statues [I just saw a these from Caprioni brothers, so they're on my mind], also a staple of classical interiors, they can live on either side of a door or the sofa. Place them on plain white plinths and they'll draw your eye up. They'll cost as much as those 7' columns once you factor in your contractor and give you a much grander feel.
If you're not up for statues maybe a pair of high stands could flank the sofas or the main door, perhaps they stand in front of your windows. Leave them bare or place simple terra-cotta pots with rosemary or orange trees on them, or perhaps cylinder lamps with big shades.
A large case piece will anchor a wall and you can fill it with books or if you don't have any, a collection of shells or perhaps just a few simple items. I don't hide TVs anymore, but maybe this houses one, you can always decide to use it as extra storage and have plain curtains made to hide the contents.
Add a couple of antique chairs or modern versions of Klismos chairs, it's always a good idea to use different types of seating. I prefer the antique versions as they're better quality and you won't see them anywhere else.
Keep the upholstery modern and clean lined and it won't look like you're living in a museum. Simple linen and solid colors keep you fresh. You want comfort above all else, there's nothing worse than an unsuable room.
Long and simple lined cocktail table
A few terra-cotta pots and moss, maybe a small bowl and a candle, done.
Gueridon tables to chose from. These come in various shapes, sizes and price points depending on age and quality. No need to break the bank. A few nice things and it's easy to mix in lesser items as long as the lines are good and they're honestly made.
If the tables are wide enough we can use Argand lamps if not, simple standing lamps will do the trick. maybe the lamps live on the cocktail table for a warm glow. It's always nice to have different types of lamps in a room.

All you need is one large painting, it could be modern, but let's use a 16th c Italian scene of Persephone, it is a fantasy interior, let's say it's an inherited piece or a huge splurge.
Or maybe we take an image you like and have it made to cover the entire wall as was done in this handsome bed room.
Keep your floors simple, why not use rush matting. The more modest the material the better.
....or use a faded old rug, almost threadbare. There's enough grandeur in the room and if we start piling on it will look like we're trying little too hard to look 'rich'.
So this, I think would be a good solution for a grand room in the classic style, even in a simple house.
How? Knowing where to shop, what to buy and who to call for help......
That's all I have for today.
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