Friday, July 27, 2012

Santa Maria Sopra Minerva in Assisi

There's a wonderful old temple to Minerva on the main town square in Assisi. Built at the command of Gaius Cestius [ of pyramid in Rome ] and Tito Cesium Priscio, the temple of Minerva may have actually been dedicated to Hercules [ both a votive statue of Minerva and plaque with a dedication to hercules have been found ], what does remain of the Roma temple is the lovely facade. The interiors were completely destroyed in the 16th c and when in 1739 Sta Maria Sopra Minerva was rebuilt in the baroque style. I've never understood why they wouldn't just make additions instead of tearing everything out....oh well...

Looking thru the arch to the facade

The temple now has a tall campanile

The original facade of the temple with slender Corinthian columns

The high altar of the church

Poor Minerva sitting down on the right has to watch her temple being defiled by the new religion......

Across the street there are a number of shops one of which is decorated with wonderful frescoes

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