Saturday, November 19, 2016

What Am I Looking at Today? Scheme for a Room.

Hello All,
Well, it's been a week so what better way to soothe our nerves than by putting together a room. This one is an exercise in high style but not really a 'period' room as the items range from many periods and cultures. 

Let's start with the walls, why not deck them out in an Edo period paper, warm rich colors and  subtle patterns in a large scale would really make the space glow.

Specimen table is a nice piece of the grand tour to set your drinks on or maybe a nice book. 

An Empire gilt bronze candlestick because every room  deserves a candle.

Let's use a pair of Horner Classical armchairs. We'll add some simple modern upholstery to keep it modern and comfortable.

I love old rugs, the colors are soft and muted and the pattern here is simple and very quiet.

A long table, either a sofa table or against a wall with a painting above it or in front of a window.

A pair of crystal candelabra would be lovely on the table

Always love armillary spheres.

If we don't have a wall of books, we can place these to either side of the sofa and pile them with books.

Nothing like a piece of modern art in a room. This can live on an easel on that long table or over the fireplace [is there a fireplace?]

I like this little 19thc model. It could live anywhere.

So maybe now we can handle what coming in the next week,  we've built a small cocoon filled with beauty and comfort.

Friday, November 11, 2016

What am I looking at today? Grand Tour Items

Well here's what I'm looking at today. Grand Tour items, which as you know I love. We really need more beauty in what will undoubtedly be an increasingly ugly world. So I look to the past, hope for the future and proudly stand in my cabinet of curiosity against the vulgar, the common and the cheap. That's all I have for today.

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Thinking about 'Fixer Uppers"

Let it never be said that we shied away from a project. As far as we're concerned the more of a ruin the more potential for a fabulous reveal. And so we came across a couple of sofas by John Saladino and that got us started thinking about ruins in Merida. We visited last February and fell in love with the colonial architecture, which immediately brought back memories of my grandmother's house in Santiago. Big rooms with high ceilings and of course those glorious courtyards where you can spend hours reading or painting. So here's our Saturday daydream......a smallish house with some stylish interiors. Who knows, the universe has a way of making things happen.

Saladino sofas. I like that they're updated versions on Knole sofas, but I think I'd make them longer.

Interesting Turkish lantern

Nice Center table. I like the ironwork and that it's so stylized.

Tall chairs, maybe not for sitting hours and hours, but a good perch.

This could make a nice dining room, tho maybe the chairs need to be a bit more modern.

Interesting 'smalls make a room.

Always and only, antique mirror. The silver is tarnished and dappled and subtly reflective rather than that glow in the dark newness of modern glass.

These are Anglo-Indian but they're super comfy and great in a patio

A few over the top tables always work when the rest of the spaces are kept simple and quiet.

How can you go wrong with space like this???

I think we need a minute to sit and reflect.

Two of Saladino's famous interiors.