Greetings All,
So yesterday, James Swan of '101 Things I Hate About Your House' and the wonderful Carter Dayton Home asked me what I hated and liked most about my house and it was an easy question to answer....we have a rental in NYC, not fancy or trendy in any way and most definitely not in a stylish neighborhood...we usually avoid those and manage to do very well....I hate the kitchen and bathroom...both are old and very NYC...meaning tiny... but there's much more to like than not and here's a few pics of good old 838.
The little vestibule with our William IV bookcase and Deco Herakles
The Dining room looking to the hall with pics by Ric and friends
Doubles as a library....always good to do
The Living room with one of Ric's big pictures and a Grand Tour bronze
Dorian Gray with some smalls on a side table
The Living Room...small,but I'm always thinking there's room for two more chairs...
Our still unpainted Bed Room, Ric loved some curtains that I did for a client and asked me to make them for us....and so I did with the the help of our friend Mike Fulkerson's expert this is good old 838 in room for a tree, but it works for us....and that's all I've got for today.
Till next time.
P.S. Be sure to visit...